Tes TOEFL Online

Melamar Kerja di BUMN

Mendaftar CPNS

Kelulusan S1, S2, & S3

Persyaratan Skripsi/Thesis

Tes TOEFL Online

Melamar Kerja di BUMN

Mendaftar CPNS

Kelulusan S1, S2, & S3

Persyaratan Skripsi/Thesis



1.W:It’s such a nice day.Why don’t we have lunch outside?
   M:Ok.But let’s find someplace that’s not too noisy.
   What does the man mean?
a.He can’t go too far away
b.The cafetaria isn’t too noisy.
c.He prefers to eat in a quiet place.
d.It won’t be easy to find a restaurant.
Jawab:(C)He prefers to eat in a quite place.
Key word:let’s find someplace that’s not too noisy
Pembahasan:Si lelaki mengajak si wanita untuk mencari tempat yang tidak terlalu berisik(tempat yang lebih sepi).
2.M:Look at the time.I’am going to miss my bus.
   W:Don’t worry.I’ll drive you to the stop.And if the bus has already
        left i can get you to your apartment.
a.She will help the man get home
b.She has to go home soon
c.The man should stop using the bus
d.The bus will not leave for a long time.
What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(A)She will help the man get home.
Key word:I can get you to your apartment
Pembahasan:Si wanita bersedia mengantarkan si pria pulang ke apartemennya.
3.W:Can you recommend a hotel in New York?
   M:Well,I can think of several.What’s your budget like?
What does the man imply?
a.He can recommend several cities that are worth visiting.
b.There are many reasons to visit New York.
c.The woman can’t afford to visit New York
d.He knows of hotels at a variety of prices
Jawab:(D)He knows of hotels at a variety of prices.
Key word:What’s your budget like
Pembahasan:si pria bertanya”berapa dana yang kamu suka?”,ini menunukkan bahwa ia mengetahui banyak hotel dengan variasi harga yang berbeda.
4.M:Any messages for me?
   W:someone did call.But there was so much static i couldn’t make 
        out what he was saying.
 What does the woman mean?
a.She forgot to write down the message.
b.She had to try several times to get her call through.
c.She didn’t understand the caller’s message.
d.She didn’t get to the phone on time.
Jawab:(C)She didn’t understand the caller’s message.
Key word:I couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Pembahasan:Si wanita menerima telepon tetapi tidak dapat mendengar dengan jelas apa yang dilakukan si penelpon.
5.M:Didn’t George give a great speech?
   W:Are you serious?
What can be inferred about the woman?
a.She didn’t hear the speech.
b.She thinks that George is a fine speakers.
c.She doesn’t like serious talks.
d. She disagrees with the man’s opinion.
Jawab:(D)She disagrees with the man’s opinion.
Key word:Are you serious?
Pembahasan:Si wanita mengatakan kalimat”apa kau serious?”,yang menunjukkan bahwa ia tidak setuju dengan pendapat si pria.
6.M:Can I open a checking account here?
   W:I’m sorry.You’ll have to step over to the manager’s desk.
What deos the woman imply?
a.The manager is away from her desk.
b.She’s unsure about the bank’s policy.
c.The man cannot open an account.
d.New accounts are handled by the manager.
Jawab:(D)New accounts are handled by the manager.
Key word:You’ll have to step over to the manager’s desk
Pembahasan:Si wanita memberitahu si pria bahwa untuk membuka akun harus dilakukan di meja Manager.Ini menunjukkan bahwa pembukaan akun dikerjakan oleh manager.
7.M:Now that I’ve finished my exams.I’m going to relax and go to 
        a movie tonight.
   W:Lucky you!I’ve still got two more finals to take.
What can be inferred about the woman?
a.Her easiest exam is tonight.
b.She wishes she could go to a movie.
c.She usually has good luck on exams.
d.She did well on two of her exams
Jawab:(B)She wishes she could go to a movie.
Key word:I’ve still got two more finals to take
Pembahasan:Si wanita tidak bisa pergi ke bioskop karena ia masih punya 2 ujian yang belum selesai.
8.W:It’s very nice of you to give me your tickets for the play.
    M:Please.Don’t mention it.I’m going to be out of town this 
         weekend anyway.
What can be inferred about the man?
a.He’ll go to the play with the woman.
b.He can’t go to the play.
c.He doesn’t want people to know where he’s going
d.He’s already seen the ply
Jawab:(B)He can’t go to the play.
Key word:I’m giong to be out of town
Pembahasan:Si pria tidak dapat pergi ke pertandingan karena akan ke luar kota akhir minggu ini.
9.M:I almost forgot.I still owe you ten dollars from the other night
        Do you have change for a twenty?
   W:Oh.Not at the moment.Let’s just straighten it out some other 
a.She will own the man some money.
soal-soal toeflb.She wants to borrow ten dollars.
c.The man should pay her later.
d.The man should forget about the debt.
What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(C)The man should pay her later.
Key word:Some other time
Pembahasan:Si wanita berkata kepada di pria agar membayar utangnya di lain waktu saja.
10.W:Hey!What happened to all that food we bought?The 
          refrigerator is empty.
     M:My little brother with a big appetite was here.He really 
          cleaned these out.
What does the man mean?
a.His brother ate the food that was in the refrigerator.
b.His brother helped him clean the erfrigerator.
c.He and his brother went out to eat.
d.He and his brother bought a lot of food.

Jawab:(A)His brother ate the food that was in the refrigerator.
Key word:He really cleaned these out
Pembahasan:Adik si pria menghabiskan makanan yang disimpan di kulkas. 

Tim Mster Eduka